Topic: ansible

Red Hat to introduce ‘policy-as-code’ in Ansible Automation platform

Red Hat is introducing ‘policy-as-code’ with its Ansible Automation platform to help enforce compliance within hybrid cloud environments that are leveraging an increasing number of applications powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The technical preview is to be available in the months ahead, the company said in its announcement. As IT operations feel the growing pressures … continue reading

Red Hat Summit: Ansible Lightspeed, Event-Driven Ansible, and Red Hat Insights updates

The Red Hat Summit is happening this week in Boston, MA. During the event, Red Hat is making a number of announcements related to its product suite.  Here are the highlights: Ansible Lightspeed This is a generative AI service for adding automation to Ansible. It uses domain-specific AI, meaning that it has a core understanding … continue reading

Red Hat’s Ansible Automation Platform is now available in the Google Cloud Marketplace

Red Hat has made the announcement that the Ansible Automation Platform can now be accessed through Google Cloud Marketplace.  According to Red Hat, this new availability provides users with easier access to the platform, which will allow them to get started with automation more quickly and scale it up more efficiently.  Users will get access … continue reading

ITOps Times news digest: Red Hat Ansible Automation on Microsoft Azure; Cloudflare’s new partnerships; and HCL Technologies and KloudGin partner up

Red Hat announced that its Ansible Automation Platform is now available on Microsoft Azure. Red Hat believes this addition will give customers greater return on investment for automation by being able to leverage Azure services, such as compute, network, and storage.  “By integrating open source automation technologies, such as Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform on … continue reading

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.1 introduces automation mesh

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.1 is now generally available. New additions and more flexible automation architectures will enable customers to onboard more easily. Automation mesh is a new addition that replaces isolated nodes that were featured in version 1.2. Now, the automation control plane and execution plane are fully decoupled. Users can run automation … continue reading

Ansible Automation Platform 2 released to drive better cloud-native automation

Red Hat announced the release of Ansible Automation Platform 2 to drive cloud-native automation and help developers become automators.  The latest version of the platform adds self-contained automation capabilities while shifting automation more deeply into the application development lifecycle. The platform is now fully restructured for a hybrid cloud-native world and it makes it easier … continue reading

ITOps Times news digest: Ansible Automation Platform 1.2, new Tardigrade integrations, and Google launches Voucher

Red Hat has announced the release of Ansible Automation Platform 1.2. The latest release focused on improving efficiency, increasing productivity, and controlling risk and expenses.  New features include a private Automation Hub, enhancements to the automation services catalog, and new Ansible-maintained Certified Content Collections for popular IT platforms.  Storj Labs introduces new integrations for Tardigrade … continue reading

Latest version of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is now available

Red Hat has announced the latest release of its Ansible Automation Platform. This release includes Ansible Tower 3.7, an automation services catalog, and updates to Automation Analytics.  Ansible Tower 3.7 introduces new capabilities designed to help reduce bottlenecks in job processing, optimizations for common API query processing, and reworked user interface communication protocols.  The automation … continue reading

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform adds Automation Services Catalog

To help organizations with their automation initiatives, Red Hat announced its Ansible Automation Platform last October at AnsibleFest. This platform combined the existing offerings of Red Hat Ansible Engine, Red Hat Ansible Tower, and Red Hat Ansible Network Automation along with new services like Content Collections, an Automation Hub, and analytics. Today, at the virtual … continue reading

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform announcement image

Red Hat announces new Ansible Automation Platform

Red Hat has released a new enterprise-grade solution that will help companies advance automation at scale. The company announced Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform at this week’s AnsibleFest in Atlanta.  The platform is designed to improve operational efficiencies, reduce risk and provide a consistent user experience. In addition, it features integrations with Red Hat Ansible … continue reading

Ansible product interface

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Ansible

As more businesses are feeling the pressure to move faster, automation across all areas of the business is becoming a necessity. For IT operations professionals, there is a simple tool for enabling automation: Ansible. The solution automates tasks like cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and intra-service orchestration. “Ansible makes complex changes like zero-downtime rolling … continue reading

Red Hat deepens integration with Ansible Automation in Cloudforms 4.7

Red Hat has announced the latest version of the Cloudforms infrastructure management tool. Red Hat Cloudforms 4.7 introduces further integration with Ansible Automation and new integrations to streamline and simplify IT management in hybrid cloud infrastructures. The enhanced integration with Ansible introduces new Ansible capabilities to Cloudforms, such as the ability to execute Ansible Tower … continue reading Protection Status

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