Topic: kubernetes

Bitwarden brings its secrets manager to Kubernetes

Password manager Bitwarden has announced it is beginning to integrate its Secrets Manager into Kubernetes workflows. This functionality is currently in public beta and will enable DevOps teams to securely manage secrets like API keys, passwords, and tokens across their Kubernetes environment. The integration is done via an operator that is deployed by the Helm … continue reading

Kubernetes at 10: Where it began, and where it’s going

Ten years ago, the Kubernetes project was first announced, and then soon after, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) was formed to become the home for it. Chris Aniszczyk was the founding executive director at the time, and has been around for the project’s entire history once it was donated by Google to the CNCF. … continue reading

Kubernetes – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

When we first started the ITOps Open Source Project of the Week series, Kubernetes was already such a large and popular project that no one needed us to tell them about it, so it’s never actually been featured in this series. But given that the project is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this month, we … continue reading

K0smotron 1.0 adds support for several Cluster API features

Mirantis, a Kubernetes-based infrastructure provider, has announced the release of version 1.0 of its open-source project k0smotron, which is a tool for managing Kubernetes control planes. K0smotron 1.0 adds support for Cluster API for remote machines that are connected via SSH. Cluster API is a Kubernetes sub-project that provides declarative APIs for simplifying provisioning, upgrading, … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kube-OVN

Kube-OVN is an open-source project attempting to bring the benefits of SDN to the cloud-native era.  “If you miss the rich networking capabilities of the SDN age but are struggling to find them in the cloud-native age, Kube-OVN should be your best choice,” the project maintainers say. It has a number of key features, including … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Eraser

Eraser is an open source tool for cleaning up unused Kubernetes images in a cluster. “When deploying to Kubernetes, it’s common for pipelines to build and push images to a cluster, but it’s much less common for these images to be cleaned up. This can lead to accumulating bloat on the disk, and a host … continue reading

Kubernetes 1.30 is now available

The Kubernetes release team has announced that Kubernetes 1.30 is now available. It includes 45 enhancements; 17 are Stable, 18 are in Beta, and 10 are in Alpha.  One of the stable features in this release is that the volume manager has been updated to allow the kubelet to populate information about how existing volumes … continue reading

Lacework launches new capabilities for securing cloud environments

The security company Lacework has announced the addition of new capabilities to its platform to help IT and security teams more easily secure their cloud environments.  The first new addition is Lacework Explorer, which is designed to provide better visibility into potential threats. It provides a visualization of the relationships between cloud resources, which helps … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kong Gateway Operator

Earlier this week at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, Kong announced it would be open sourcing the Kong Gateway Operator (KGO) with the latest release, 1.2. With this release, all the previously released features of KGO are now open source, and new features were also added, such as managed gateways, HPA-based gateway autoscaling, and AI … continue reading

8 reasons why Crossplane is the ideal engine for internal developer platforms

Crossplane is a Kubernetes-native framework that allows organizations to manage anything using a consistent API and runtime, making it an ideal foundation for Internal Development Platforms (IDPs).  Organizations typically run a complex mix of cloud and on-premise resources like databases, virtual machines and network policies. IT teams must support multiple platforms to provision and manage … continue reading

Platform Engineering is not (just) about infrastructure!

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology, the term “Platform Engineering” is often subject to a narrow interpretation, confined to the spheres of infrastructure and systems management. Because of this, it could be perceived as an exclusively technical domain, dominated by servers, clusters, and networks. This limited view, however, does not give proper justice … continue reading

SUSE ATIP 3.0 introduces enhancements for telco operations

SUSE has announced the latest version of SUSE ATIP, which is a cloud infrastructure solution for telecommunications. It will be generally available in April.  SUSE ATIP 3.0 introduces automated zero-touch rollout and lifecycle management for Kubernetes clusters and bare-metal infrastructure. This enables companies to scale cloud native network function deployments. It also offers integration points … continue reading

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