Topic: devops

DevOps World | Jenkins World: The building blocks of cloud-native application development

Cloud-native applications are on the rise. In fact, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation recently released a report that found the use of cloud-native technologies in production increased more than 200 percent in the last couple of months. However, Justin Graham, senior manager of market strategy and ecosystem development for AWS, finds that the more a … continue reading

Gremlin unveils new features for resilient containerized infrastructure

Failure-as-a-Service platform provider Gremlin wants to make containerized infrastructure more resilient with the addition of new features. The company announced Container Discovery and Multiple Attacks features. Container Discovery enables DevOps teams to automatically identify Docker containers. Multiple Attacks enables users to simulate real-work outages. “The concept of purposefully injecting failure into systems is still new … continue reading

InfluxData updates InfluxEnterprise with improved analytics, self-healing and LDAP integration

Open-source monitoring and analytics platform developer InfluxData released a new version of InfluxEnterprise today, designed to improve the analytics, self-healing, and permission and authorization management in the time series database platform. “Today’s enhancements to InfluxEnterprise make it easier for administrators to keep this mission critical data available and secure by checking and verifying every requested … continue reading

OverOps Platform to give more insight into errors

Software analytics company OverOps today introduced the OverOps platform to bring new machine data to DevOps and IT operations teams. The OverOps platform will continue the company’s goal of bringing code-aware insight to detect and troubleshoot issues. “We initially created OverOps to help developers debug code and improve their productivity, but through our customers we … continue reading

Running containers in production

Market shifts are propelling organizations to become digital. Companies feel pressure to find better ways to offer services, respond faster and proactively to their customers, and manage growth. In their quest for digital maturity, customers are looking for solutions that not only address the aspect of capacity growth, but also other aspects such as performance, … continue reading

IBM announces cloud-native development capabilities with CMS and Cloud Private

IBM is making its IBM Cloud Private app platform available on its enterprise Cloud Managed Services (CMS) for the first time today. According to the company, bringing these two solutions together will enable a security rich and production-ready cloud environment from CMS as well as speed up the development of cloud-native apps with the latest … continue reading

Erasing the silos that inhibit effective IT incident response

While serving on the front lines of major incident response, the last thing enterprise IT teams need is to have to consult an org chart to determine the right participants across several functional areas. Whether delivering new services or restoring services after a disruption, the core components of the development and production squads: DevOps, IT … continue reading

Micro Focus launches containerized IT Operations Management platform

Micro Focus has announced the launch of the IT Operations Management (ITOM) Platform. ITOM is a containerized platform for IT Operations that is built on a foundation of shared microservices, including analytics, orchestration, and ChatOps collaboration. The platform is designed to reduce risks and costs for IT Operations as they try to keep up with … continue reading

Cloud 66 adds new features to its container delivery pipeline

Operations tools provider Cloud 66 is providing a number of new features to its container delivery pipeline, Skycap. The features include Formations, Stencils, and an open-source project named Copper. “With the advance of microservices, containers and the surge of APIs, developers and operations teams appreciate a self-service toolchain that operations curate, and developers can run … continue reading

Splunk Insights for Infrastructure provides IT teams with a new approach to monitoring

Splunk has announced the general availability of Splunk Insights for Infrastructure, which is designed to be a low-cost solution for automatically correlating metrics and logs to monitor IT. It was created with system administrators and DevOps teams in mind. “At Splunk, we believe infrastructure monitoring should be seamless, inexpensive, and easy to administer and use. … continue reading

Cloud Foundry deployments give PaaS a chance

Production workloads deployed in the open-source Cloud Foundry platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environments are on the rise among large enterprises and many more are in development, test-mode or pilot. Buoyed by the ability to run container and microservices-based modern applications across multiple private and public clouds, and growing support among infrastructure, applications and tool providers, Cloud Foundry … continue reading

Everbridge announces integration of its IT incident response automation solution with Cherwell Service Management

Everbridge, Inc., the global leader in critical event management and incident response automation, today announced the integration of its IT Alerting solution with Cherwell Software, a global leader in enterprise service management. The combined solution provides Cherwell Service Management (CSM) users with a full end-to-end Incident Response Management platform to enable significant and measurable reduction of IT response … continue reading Protection Status

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