Topic: kubernetes

Economic uncertainty, cloud-native technology, and demands for data sovereignty will reshape the cloud in 2023

Economic uncertainty, cloud-native technology, and demands for data sovereignty will reshape the cloud in 2023, according to the Predictions 2023: Cloud Computing report by Forrester.  Despite the economic uncertainty that lies ahead, cloud-native is projected to go mainstream as companies plan to freeze investment in legacy systems and invest more in technologies such as Kubernetes.  … continue reading

Networking problems after installing Kubernetes 1.25? Here’s why and how to fix it

Some users may be experiencing networking problems after installing Kubernetes 1.25.  In an effort to help users that are experiencing trouble, the cloud-native company Mirantis has published a blog post on how to resolve the issue. According to Mirantis, the issue likely arises when there is a conflict between your version of iptables and the … continue reading

Commvault announces expanded protection for Kubernetes workloads

The data-management company Commvault recently announced that it has expanded protection for Kubernetes workloads. This includes automated management, replication, migration, and security enhancements, across the entire portfolio. According to the company, these new features are intended to offer customers simple management and enterprise-grade protection for hybrid, multi-cloud environments. “Using Commvault’s single platform, we are able … continue reading

Tetrate announces new Istio training course with CNCF

Tetrate, the creator of Tetrate Service Bridge (TSB) to help with service mesh adoption, announced that it developed a new official training course for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The new course teaches how to monitor, connect, and secure microservices using Istio and is designed for anyone who wants to build on their knowledge … continue reading

ITOps Open-Source Project of the Week: cert-manager

Cert-manager, an open-source Kubernetes add-on that can automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources, has become a CNCF incubating project.  The project can ensure that certificates are up-to-date and can renew certificates before expiration to run highly secure, encrypted data communications using TLS.  “cert-manager is probably one of the first … continue reading announces Gloo Platform for cloud-native networking announced its fully integrated cloud-native application networking platform Gloo. The solution includes an API gateway, service mesh, security, and cloud-native networking component, powered by Istio, Envoy, and Cilium.  The launch comes as a response to the various operational changes that companies have to undergo when dealing with microservices, providing instead a way to integrate … continue reading

Sysdig releases new tool for monitoring Kubernetes costs

Cloud security company Sysdig has announced the release of Cost Advisor, which is a tool that Kubernetes operators can use to cut their Kubernetes-related costs.  This is timely, as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation released its FinOps for Kubernetes survey, where 68% of survey respondents said their Kubernetes costs were rising, and 69% said they … continue reading

CAST AI launches new Kubernetes security analysis tool

The Kubernetes SaaS company CAST AI has announced a new security analysis tool for Kubernetes called Cloud Security Insights.  It offers Kubernetes configuration checks in order to ensure clusters are configured in accordance with best practices. Users will be provided information on these configuration checks and resources to improve configuration. The tool also scans for … continue reading

D2iQ updates its Kubernetes platform

Kubernetes company D2iQ has announced the latest updates to its Kubernetes platform, DKP. DKP 2.3 introduces enhancements for AWS customers that will make it easier to manage AWS EKS clusters. It now offers a comprehensive ecosystem of Kubernetes platform applications so that platform teams can spend more of their focus on creating good developer experiences. … continue reading

StarlingX 7.0 released with scalability and stability improvements

The open-source edge computing and IoT cloud platform StarlingX released its latest version. StarlingX 7.0 focuses on improving scalability, security, stability, and flexibility. The solution combines Ceph, OpenStack, Kubernetes, and more to create a full-featured cloud software stack.  StarlingX 7.0 increases the number of subclouds that the Distributed Cloud can manage to 1,000 All-in-One Simplex … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Clusterpedia

Clusterpedia is an encyclopedia of Kubernetes clusters that can help users synchronize, search for, and control multi-cluster resources. The inspiration behind its name is Wikipedia, according to the developers behind the project on GitHub.  It is a CNCF sandbox project that includes support for complex searches, filters, sorting, paging, and more. Clusterpedia also offers support … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Service Mesh Interface

Service Mesh Interface (SMI) provides a standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes, a basic feature set for common service mesh use cases, and the flexibility to support new service mesh capabilities over time.  The specification defines a common standard that can be implemented by various providers and it follows the CNCF code of conduct.  … continue reading

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