Topic: kubernetes

Flux v2 is now generally available

Flux v2.0.0 brings several enhancements to its functionality. Firstly, the GitOps-related APIs have been upgraded to v1. Also, Flux controllers now have the ability to scale horizontally and support sharding.  The Flux CLI and Flux Terraform Provider now offer stable and production-ready Git bootstrap capabilities, streamlining the process of setting up Git repositories for Flux … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kyverno

Kyverno is a policy engine designed specifically for Kubernetes and the name means “govern” in Greek. The management of policies in Kyverno is done through Kubernetes resources, eliminating the need for learning a new language to write policies. This approach enables the utilization of well-known tools like kubectl, git, and kustomize to handle policy management … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Volcano

Volcano is an open-source project used for running high-performance workloads on Kubernetes.  Kubernetes does not natively provide batch scheduling, which is something required by many workloads, such as machine learning and deep learning, bioinformatics, and other big data applications. This is where Volcano comes in.  According to Volcano, often those types of workloads run on … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Carina

Carina is a local storage solution for Kubernetes. It was accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in December 2022 as a sandbox project, and as of the time of this writing it was still at the sandbox level. Features include disk management, device registration, PVC resizing, scheduling based on capacity, volume topology, PVC … continue reading

Sysdig adds detection and response to CNAPP

Sysdig introduced agentless cloud detection based on open-source Falco, extending cloud detection and response (CDR) beyond workload agents to cloud, GitHub, and Okta logs in its Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP). As organizations expand their cloud environments, they encounter sprawl consisting of hundreds of unregulated applications, services, and identities, which potentially present vulnerabilities.  CNAPP can … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the week: KEDA

KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler that helps users scale any container based on the number of events that need to be processed.  Additionally, it can be added to any Kubernetes cluster and it works with standard Kubernetes components such as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. With KEDA, users can explicitly map the applications they … continue reading

ITOps Open-Source Project of the Week: Kuberhealthy

Kuberhealthy is a Kubernetes operator for running synthetic checks as pods and works best with Prometheus. The project is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and requires Kubernetes 1.16 or above. Users can write their own tests in any language and Kuberhealthy will run them to automatically create metrics for Prometheus.  Kuberhealthy … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: OpenKruise

OpenKruise is an extended component for Kubernetes that was built with a focus on application automation like deployment, upgrade, ops, and availability protection.  The project became a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Incubating Project last month which means that the project is considered stable and used successfully in production.  The majority of features offered by … continue reading

D2iQ announces update to its managed Kubernetes platform

The D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) 2.5 update simplifies multi-cluster and air-gapped deployments to give organizations greater consistency, visibility, security, and compliance across multi-cluster environments. Key enhancements in the new release include centralized multi-cloud, multi-cluster fleet management which enables customers to more easily manage a fleet of clusters through federated application management. Engineers can ensure consistency … continue reading

Report: Developers moving away from “DIY Kubernetes”

Back in 2020, 28% of respondents to VMware’s State of Kubernetes report were building Kubernetes on their own. Now, the 2023 version of the same survey is showing that only 16% of developers are building their own Kubernetes setups. According to VMware, this decrease is an indication that companies are realizing they don’t have infrastructure … continue reading

KubeCon Europe: Sumo Logic’s Predict for Metrics, Cosmonic Connect, and’s Gloo Fabric

KubeCon Europe kicked off today in Amsterdam, and a number of companies have already shared their latest innovations at the event.  Here are a few highlights so far: Sumo Logic announces Predict for Metrics Predictr for Metrics uses observability data to predict variable applications, cloud and infrastructure usage, and resource demands. The company believes the … continue reading

Kubernetes v1.27 replaces default image registry

The first Kubernetes release of 2023, Kubernetes v1.27 has been announced and it consists of 60 new enhancements, 18 of which are entering alpha and 13 of which are graduating to Stable. With this release, the image registry,, has been replaced with, which is fully controlled by the community. The old registry will … continue reading Protection Status

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