Fairwinds just open-sourced its Astro project, which provides an API for understanding and managing Datadog monitors.
Astro’s GitHub page states that it is an “operator that emits Datadog monitors based on Kubernetes states. The operator responds to changes of resources in your kubernetes cluster and will manage Datadog monitors based on the configured state.”
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According to Fairwinds, Astro provides three key elements to simplify Datadog monitoring: automated life cycle management, correlation between logically bound objects, and templating of values from Kubernetes objects into managed monitors.
“Astro takes advantage of new Kubernetes-native patterns to help engineers declaratively manage Datadog monitors with the agility to match the ephemeral nature of these environments,” said Michael Gerstenhaber, Director of Product Management at Datadog. “We’re excited to partner with Fairwinds and support their efforts in making this tool available to benefit the entire community.”