Topic: kubernetes

ITOps news digest: Fairwinds Insights, RedisInsight, and StackRox Kubernetes security platform 3.0

Fairwinds new SaaS platform is launching a free public beta program. Fairwinds Insight is an open-source project for DevOps teams managing multiple Kubernetes clusters. The project is designed to give teams insight into any potential problems. According to the company, it can reduce the time it takes to research, learn and deploy Kubernetes auditing tools; … continue reading

Sysdig Secure 3.0 provides Kubernetes-native threat prevention

Sysdig announced version 3.0 of Sysdig Secure, its tool that provides enterprises with threat prevention at runtime using Kubernetes-native pod security policies (PSPs). The new release introduces three new key features:   Kubernetes Policy Advisor: which auto-generates PSPs to decrease the time spent configuring security, enabling teams to adjust misconfigurations before shifting to production. Falco … continue reading

Mirantis obtains the Docker Enterprise Platform business from Docker

Mirantis is expanding its Kubernetes offering with the help of the Docker Enterprise Platform. The company announced it would be acquiring the business from Docker in an effort to deliver Kuberetes as a service and provide a consistent experience for developers. “The Mirantis Kubernetes technology joined with the Docker Enterprise Container Platform brings simplicity and … continue reading

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Helm 3 removes Tiller and improves upgrade strategy

Kubernetes package manager Helm has reached a new milestone with the release of Helm 3, according to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Helm 3 officially removes Tiller, which was introduced in the Helm 2 development cycle. Tiller made it possible for different operators to interact with the same set of releases, Helm explained. The team … continue reading

stacks of shipping containers

Report: Containers and Kubernetes are key for modern IT strategies

The IT industry is rapidly adopting containers and Kubernetes to support their modern IT initiatives. A new report from Rancher Labs revealed 85% of respondents are running containers in production and 90% are using Kubernetes for container management and orchestration. The report is based off of responses from more than 1,000 tech users from small … continue reading

boat full of shipping containers

Enterprise container strategy: It’s time to jump on board

Containers are here to stay. The question is when will they become more widely used than virtual machines?  Containers are software designed to package an application and its dependencies (libraries, binaries, and configuration files) together so it can run quickly and reliably when a developer moves the application from one computing environment to another. They also … continue reading

Ubuntu 19.10 released with Kubernetes at the edge and multi-cloud infrastructure

The latest version of the open-source Linux distribution Ubuntu is now available. Version 19.10 comes with a strong focus on Kubernetes and the edge. Canonical has added strict confinement to MicroK8s — is zero-ops Kubernetes solution. According to the company, this will provide enhanced edge computing capabilities and ensure isolation and secure Kubernetes environments. Users … continue reading

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ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Goldilocks

Cloud-native infrastructure solutions provider Fairwinds announced a new open-source tool for Kubernetes resource management this week. Goldilocks is designed to give users recommendations on how to best set their resource requests.  “Today, Kubernetes users have no easy way to determine the resource requests and limits for their workload and often don’t set them at all. … continue reading

ITOps Times news digest: Microsoft open sources the Open Application Model, CockroachDB gets Red Hat Container Certification, and Pensando emerges from stealth

Microsoft and Alibaba Cloud have announced the Open Application Model (OAM), a new open-source project under the Open Web Foundation. OAM is meant to provide an open standard for developers building and operating apps on Kubernetes. “OAM is a specification for describing applications so that the application description is separated from the details of how … continue reading

Red Hat OpenShift 4.2

Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 released

Red Hat announced the latest version of its enterprise Kubernetes platform, Red Hat OpenShift 4.2. The new version is designed to provide new client tools and local development capabilities, and includes the company’s service mesh, serverless and pipeline solutions.  “More and more organizations across industries and around the world trust Red Hat OpenShift to run … continue reading

Elastic Endpoint Security

ITOps Times news digest: Elastic Endpoint Security, ManageEngine’s PAM360, and Radware Kubernetes Web Application Firewall

Elastic has released a new SIEM and endpoint security solution: Elastic Endpoint Security. The new solution is based on the company’s recent acquisition of Endgame, an endpoint threat prevention, detection and response provider.  The solution will feature raw endpoint security data, event data, and alerts, in addition to the Elastic Stack’s existing logging, security, APM … continue reading

Rancher 2.3 released with Microsoft Windows container support

Rancher Labs has announced the latest release of its Kubernetes management platform. Rancher 2.3 features support for Windows containers, integration with the Istio service mesh, and new cluster templates.  According to the company, 70% of on-premise workloads are running on Windows Server operating systems, and support for Windows containers has been a highly wanted feature … continue reading Protection Status

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