Topic: containers

Report: Security is the biggest concern for those running containers

While container adoption continues to accelerate, companies continue to struggle with things like security and data management. Portworx’s annual Container Adoption Survey showed that 87 percent of respondents were running containers, which is up from just 55 percent in 2017 and from 80 percent in 2018. Of those, 90 percent were running containers in production. … continue reading

Docker suffers from race condition flaw

It has been revealed that all Docker versions are vulnerable to a symlink-race attack. A CVE-2018-15664 vulnerability was found by software engineer Aleksa Sarai who submitted the bug to the Docker security team. “The basic premise of this attack is that FollowSymlinkInScope suffers from a fairly fundamental TOCTOU attack. The purpose of FollowSymlinkInScope is to … continue reading

The Container Security Buyers Guide

The ITOps Times Container Security Buyers Guide features: Moving parts mean more complexity Containing App Vulnerabilities “Doomsday” flaw found in RunC underscores potential for critical container vulnerabilities 9 security best practices for Kubernetes you should be following A guide to container security tools … continue reading

NeuVector announces new container security risk scores

NeuVector has announced new capabilities that will enable security teams to assess how secure containers are. In its new dashboard, NeuVector will provide security risk scores that will summarize risk factors and offer recommendations on how to improve the score. The score will be comprised of the risk of east-west attacks, ingress and egress connections, … continue reading

Google previews new Knative-based managed Kubernetes service

Google Cloud is adding a complete managed serverless offering that handles all forms of infrastructure management for DevOps teams, taking low-level programming and deployment tasks off of their hands. The new Google Cloud Run, launched at this week’s Google Cloud Next conference in San Francisco, aims to let developers move any type of code into … continue reading

CRI-O now an incubating project at the CNCF

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has accepted a new project to its incubator. CRI-O is a lightweight implementation of the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI). It was designed to enable the use of the Open Container Initiative (OCI) runtimes and images, the CNCF explained. “CNCF hosts a variety of container runtimes and we’re excited … continue reading

Uber’s Peloton resource management utility released as open-source

Uber Engineering released its resource scheduling and management utility Peloton as open source today. According to company engineers, Peloton was developed to fill a missing niche in Uber’s internal software suite, allowing web-scale compute cluster management, resulting in improved resource utilization across its infrastructure. Min Cai, Compute Cluster Platform senior staff engineer at Uber, and … continue reading

Portworx Enterprise 2.1 enables advanced security and disaster recovery

Portworx has announced the latest release of its cloud-native data management platform. According to the company, Portworx Enterprise 2.1 includes new features for security and disaster recovery. The company added new role-based security features to PX-Security. Previously, PX-Security had granular “bring-your-own-key” encryption. By extending the solution to include role-based authentication, authorization, and ownership, organizations will … continue reading

Why Kubernetes will turn your data center into a smartphone

Installing and managing server software is hard, especially in corporate environments. There’s the inherent complexity of managing disparate platforms and systems, all while dealing with compliance and security policies. What is worse is that a lot of the work is repetitive, undifferentiated heavy lifting. Configuration management tools like Chef and Puppet were supposed to be … continue reading

Rancher Labs launches Submariner for multi-cluster network connectivity

Rancher Labs is announcing a new open-source project designed to enable direct networking between Kubernetes clusters. Submariner is a network connectivity solution designed to overcome the barriers to connectivity when it comes to Kubernetes clusters. The team explained Submariner was created for network connectivity among microservices deployed in multiple Kubernetes clusters. Submariner provides a way … continue reading

Containerd graduates from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Docker’s core container runtime containerd is the latest project to graduate from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation this week. It has been more than two years since Docker decided to spin out the containerd runtime and the project joined the CNCF. Today’s announcement makes containerd the fifth project to graduate, following in the footsteps of … continue reading

StackRox introduces compliance features in the latest version of its Kubernetes platform

Container security company StackRox is giving customers the means to meet more compliance standards with its latest release of the StackRox Kubernetes Security Platform. Now, the solution offers ways for organizations to verify and provide evidence that they are complying with NIST SP 800-190, PCI DSS 3.2, and HIPAA standards. Organizations will be able to … continue reading

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