SignalFX has announced direct integration with Azure Monitor, to provide real-time visibility into various Azure Services.

“As before, you can continue to monitor Azure Container Service (AKS) and Azure VMs using metrics from the SignalFx collected agent,” said Patrick Lin, product and partnerships leader at SignalFX, in a blog post. “You’ll want to continue to use that agent as it’s still the only way to get the 1-second, high-resolution metrics for your real-time dashboard and alert use cases. Now, with our direct integration for Azure Monitor, you have access to pre-built SignalFx dashboards for almost every Azure service.”

The pre-built SignalFX dashboards will be available for almost every Azure service: Azure App Service, Azure Batch, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Redis Cache, Azure SQL Database (including SQL Database Elastic Pools), Azure Storage, Azure Virtual Machine, and Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Also, SignalFX metrics for all Azure Monitor metrics are included in the release. The company is looking to add more pre-built dashboards for the remaining Azure services over the next few months.

To test it out, log onto your SignalFX account and navigate to the Azure icon in the Integrations section.