Topic: signalfx

Splunk releases latest version of SignalFx Microservices APM

Monitoring company Splunk has announced the latest release of SignalFx Microservices APM, which is an APM solution that provides observability into cloud-native environments.  According to Splunk, this latest release combines features from both SignalFx and Omniton, both of which were acquired by Splunk within the last year. Such features include NoSample full-fidelity tracing, open standards … continue reading

SignalFX provides more visibility to Azure Services

SignalFX has announced direct integration with Azure Monitor, to provide real-time visibility into various Azure Services. “As before, you can continue to monitor Azure Container Service (AKS) and Azure VMs using metrics from the SignalFx collected agent,” said Patrick Lin, product and partnerships leader at SignalFX, in a blog post. “You’ll want to continue to … continue reading Protection Status

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