Topic: cicd

Puppet delivers enhanced infrastructure automation for a new operating reality

Infrastructure automation provider Puppet by Perforce has added new security, compliance, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) capabilities to its platform offering. Infrastructure resilience, improved agility and aligning with business goals are the critical focus for infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders. According to a recent Gartner I&O Leaders Survey, the most important services I&O leaders need … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Dagger

Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs pipelines in containers. The solution executes pipelines entirely as standard OCI containers.  The solution is a good fit for developers wishing their CI pipelines were code instead of YAML, DevOps teams, platform engineers running custom tooling, and cloud-native developer advocates or solution engineers.  The running of executing … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kyverno

Kyverno is a policy engine designed specifically for Kubernetes and the name means “govern” in Greek. The management of policies in Kyverno is done through Kubernetes resources, eliminating the need for learning a new language to write policies. This approach enables the utilization of well-known tools like kubectl, git, and kustomize to handle policy management … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Cerbos

Cerbos is a scalable, open-source authorization layer for implementing roles and permissions that was created in early 2021.  With the project, users have the ability to separate and manage authorization logic in a central location for all their applications and services. By doing so, they can eliminate redundant efforts, have better visibility, and apply changes … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Yor

Yor is an open-source tool that is designed to provide automated tagging and tracing for infrastructure as code (IaC). It automatically tags IaC templates with attribution and ownership details, unique IDs that get carried across to cloud resources, and any other need-to-know information. According to the project’s website, Yor automates away manual and inconsistent tagging … continue reading

Itential launches new API services for Network Infrastructure as Code

Intelligent automation software provider Itential launched its new API services to further Network Infrastructure as Code and help network engineers adopt CI/CD principles for network automation and programmability.  “By incorporating a Network Infrastructure as Code approach to automation, enterprises can use Itential’s modern agile software development principles to build, test, validate, and deploy network changes … continue reading

Codefresh announces enterprise version of its Kubernetes-native CI/CD platform

Codefresh today announced Codefresh Enterprise, a new solution designed to give enterprises more options to run Codefresh at scale. Codefresh is a continuous delivery platform built for Kubernetes that features self-service test environments, release management and Docker and Helm registry support. “From our many enterprise customers, like Arm, CBS, La Figaro, HP, and more, along … continue reading

premium Re-tooling the CI/CD Pipeline for Infrastructure and Configuration as Code

The triple effect of cloud adoption, DevOps and CI/CD has dealt a blow to the old tried-and-tested means of infrastructure provisioning and configuration. Thanks to the increasing size of software, its dependencies and support of various platforms, these predominantly manual and script-based tasks have been getting increasingly cumbersome, time-consuming and error-prone. This is where Infrastructure … continue reading Protection Status

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