The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced that CubeFS is now a graduated project. CubeFS is a distributed storage system supporting access protocols like POSIX, HDFS, and S3.
According to the CNCF, key use cases supported by CubeFS include big data, AI/LLMs, container platforms, separation of storage and computing for databases and middleware, and data sharing.
The project was created in 2017 by JD.com, which is a retail services company focused on supply chain elements. The CNCF accepted it as a Sandbox project in December 2019 and then moved it to the Incubator in 2022.
According to the CNCF, the project experienced a 1,900% growth in adopters (10 to 200) since it joined the organization. It has also increased contributions from 1,112 to 16,845 and grew the number of contributors by 1,300%, from 27 individuals from five companies to 379 individuals from 42 companies.
“The stability, reliable performance, and active community of CubeFS have built the trust of adopters, and we look forward to seeing how adoption develops as AI and ML continue to drive the growth of data,” said Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of the CNCF.
The 2025 project roadmap for CubeFS includes “adding or upgrading metadata service cost optimization, tiered storage, and distributed cache acceleration while planning to add call chain tracing to improve issue-tracking capabilities,” the CNCF said.
“Having worked with CNCF through other projects like Kubernetes and Vitess, I know it is the ideal home for open source cloud native projects,” said Haifeng Liu, creator and maintainer of CubeFS. “We look forward to making CubeFS the best open source unstructured data storage service for enterprises across both private and public cloud services.”