Topic: cncf

Kubernetes at 10: Where it began, and where it’s going

Ten years ago, the Kubernetes project was first announced, and then soon after, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) was formed to become the home for it. Chris Aniszczyk was the founding executive director at the time, and has been around for the project’s entire history once it was donated by Google to the CNCF. … continue reading

Kubernetes – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

When we first started the ITOps Open Source Project of the Week series, Kubernetes was already such a large and popular project that no one needed us to tell them about it, so it’s never actually been featured in this series. But given that the project is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this month, we … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Vineyard

Vineyard is an in-memory data manager designed specifically for data-heavy analytics.  It uses shared memory to efficiently share data across different systems without needing to do serialization and deserialization. It employs a zero-copy method for sharing, which helps to avoid I/O overhead costs.  According to the project maintainers, Vineyard is ideal for complex cloud-native environments, … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Eraser

Eraser is an open source tool for cleaning up unused Kubernetes images in a cluster. “When deploying to Kubernetes, it’s common for pipelines to build and push images to a cluster, but it’s much less common for these images to be cleaned up. This can lead to accumulating bloat on the disk, and a host … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Xline

Xline is an open-source management system for metadata stored in organizations with multiple data centers. According to the project maintainers, one of the big challenges related to multi-data center architectures is maintaining data consistency and high performance. Xline was created to help solve that problem by allowing distributed storage and management. “This project aims to … continue reading

8 reasons why Crossplane is the ideal engine for internal developer platforms

Crossplane is a Kubernetes-native framework that allows organizations to manage anything using a consistent API and runtime, making it an ideal foundation for Internal Development Platforms (IDPs).  Organizations typically run a complex mix of cloud and on-premise resources like databases, virtual machines and network policies. IT teams must support multiple platforms to provision and manage … continue reading

Falco graduates from CNCF

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced the graduation of Falco. Falco is a cloud-native security tool for Linux systems and has become a commonly used engine for detecting threats within Kubernetes environments.  This milestone marks a significant achievement for Falco, emphasizing its importance and effectiveness in cloud-native security, according to the CNCF.  “Real time … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Strimzi

The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Strimzi as a CNCF incubating project.  Strimzi simplifies the deployment and management of Apache Kafka clusters on Kubernetes, leveraging the operator pattern to ease installation, upgrades, and security tasks. Apache Kafka, known for its scalability and fault tolerance, is widely used for building event-driven architectures … continue reading

Kubecost 2.0 launched with Kubernetes network monitoring, cost center reporting, and more

The Kubecost 2.0 update brings new tools and features aimed at simplifying and improving the management of Kubernetes-related cloud costs, especially for large enterprises and in complex, multi-cloud settings. Kubecost is a cloud-agnostic tool for Kubernetes cost monitoring and visibility. According to a CNCF Cloud Native FinOps + Cloud Financial Management Microsurvey, issues like overprovisioning, … continue reading

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces CloudEvents graduation

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently announced the graduation of CloudEvents, a project designed to standardize event metadata for improved interoperability across various services, platforms, and systems. This specification enables systems to understand the purpose of events and route them appropriately without needing deep, event-specific insight. Initiated by the CNCF Serverless Working Group in … continue reading

Report: Kubernetes responsible for increasing cloud spend

Companies are spending more and more on cloud services thanks to Kubernetes. A recent microsurvey from the CNCF revealed that for 49% of companies, Kubernetes was responsible for increased cloud spend. The microsurvey was designed by the CNCF and OpenCost team and responses were gathered between June and November 2023, with just over 100 respondents … continue reading

Kubernetes 1.29 released with 11 new stable features, many more in alpha/beta

The Kubernetes release team has announced the release of Kubernetes 1.29, which includes nearly 50 improvements. The theme of this release is Mandala, which the release team explains “reflects our community’s interconnectedness—a vibrant tapestry woven by enthusiasts and experts alike. Each contributor is a crucial part, adding their unique energy, much like the diverse patterns … continue reading

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