Salt is an event-driven automation tool and framework built in Python to deploy, configure, and manage complex IT systems. 

This open-source project can be used to automate common infrastructure administration tasks and be sure that all parts of the users infrastructure are operating correctly.

Salt can also be used to manage operating system deployment and configuration; install and configure software apps and services; manage servers, virtual machines, containers, databases, web servers, and network devices; and ensure consistent configuration and prevent configuration drift.

According to the GitHub page, this project is pluggable, customizable, and interacts well with multiple existing technologies, making it well suited for configuration management. 

Salt also works to allow users to deploy and manage applications that utilize any tech stack running on a wide range of operating systems.

Furthermore, the project can be used to automate and orchestrate routine IT processes like required tasks for scheduled server downtimes or upgrading operating systems or applications and create self-aware and self-healing systems to respond to outages, administration issues, or other events quickly.