CubeFS is a cloud native distributed storage platform hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as an Incubating project.

According to the company, this open source offering allows users to converge posix filesystem interfaces, S3 compatible interfaces, and hdfs interfaces. It also provides highly scalable metadata along with elasticity and consistency. 

CubeFS also offers specific performance improvements for both large and small files and sequential and random writes. Additionally, the team at CubeFS stated that the platform brings acceleration to the users hybrid cloud by providing multi-level catching.

Lastly, the platform provides a durable, high availability, and low cost erasure coding storage system as well as multi-tenacity to share the whole storage and improve resource utilization. 

According to the project’s GitHub page, with CubeFS, users gain the ability to separate storage from compute. 

This enables them to scale up or down independently based on the workload, working to provide flexibility in matching resources to the storage and compute capacity required at a certain time. 

To learn more, visit the website.