Intel is reimagining the memory and storage hierarchy for developers and data solution providers with the release of Intel Optane DC persistent memory.
The solution is designed specifically for data center usage, and Intel believes that it will break through the constricting methods for using data that are currently in place. Intel urges system architects and developers to consider new methods for data access and storage as this solution and others come to market.
Intel Optane DC persistent memory expands affordable system memory capacities to enable end users to be able “to better optimize their workloads by moving and maintaining larger amounts of data closer to the processor and minimizing the higher latency of fetching data from system storage,” Intel wrote in a post.
According to Intel, as developers adapt their software, Intel Optane DC persistent memory will allow for cost-effective, large-capacity in-memory database solutions. It will also provide greater uptime and faster recovery after power cycles, accelerate virtual machine storage, deliver higher performance to multi-node distributed cloud applications, and offer built-in advanced encryption for persistent data.
The company has spent the past few years working with independent software vendors to target this new class of memory. As a result, they will be releasing a new generation of applications and services that builds on this capability.