Google Cloud has announced updates to its Cloud Monitoring plugin for Grafana. It has added sample dashboards for Google Cloud services, a deeper link between Grafana and Google Cloud Monitoring, an improved query interface, and a new Monitoring Query Language (MQL) interface. “The observability of metrics is a key factor for a successful operations team, … continue reading
Commvault has announced an expansion to its backup as a service (BaaS) portfolio. New additions include enhanced SaaS application protection, the addition of Oracle and Active Directory to Metallic Database Backup, and the addition HyperScale X as an edge offering for Metallic. “As we continue our global rollout of Metallic, we’re finding more and more … continue reading
Dynatrace has announced the release of PurePath 4. PurePath is a distributed tracing and code analysis tool, and version 4 expands support for OpenTelemetry, W3C Trace Context, and the latest cloud-native architectures, like service mesh and serverless computing for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. “We pioneered distributed tracing with the introduction of PurePath in … continue reading