Topic: openapi

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Clusterpedia

Clusterpedia is an encyclopedia of Kubernetes clusters that can help users synchronize, search for, and control multi-cluster resources. The inspiration behind its name is Wikipedia, according to the developers behind the project on GitHub.  It is a CNCF sandbox project that includes support for complex searches, filters, sorting, paging, and more. Clusterpedia also offers support … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: ValidKube

ValidKube combines open-source tools to help ensure Kubernetes YAML best practices, hygiene and security. The tool can verify your Kubernetes configuration files through kubeval, remove clutter from your Kubernetes manifests through kubectl-neat, and can scan YAML code for security vulnerabilities with trivy.  RELATED CONTENT: Abstracting complexity from Kubernetes breaks down barrier to entry Kubeval uses … continue reading

New AlertSite API monitoring support for OpenAPI drives standardization from design to deployment

SmartBear, the leader in software quality tools for teams, today announced support for OpenAPI Specification (OAS) in AlertSite, a market leader in performance monitoring for web, mobile, cloud, and API. The new OpenAPI support in AlertSite allows teams to leverage their existing OpenAPI Specification (formerly known as the Swagger Specification) files to create API monitors seamlessly and instantly, … continue reading Protection Status

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