Topic: digital transformation

Zededa emerges from stealth with real-time edge computing vision

Zededa has emerged from stealth after closing $3.06 million in seed-stage funding. Zededa is a startup focused on powering real-time applications at the edge. The company plans to use the funding for continued research and product development, as well as investing in community open-source projects for edge computing. It will also invest more in sales … continue reading

HyperGrid announces new software-defined cloud strategy

HyperGrid has announced a new software-defined cloud strategy for its HyperCloud software platform. HyperCloud is designed to help users achieve digital transformation on their journey to the cloud. It provides tools to manage and control public cloud environments and as well as to achieve simplicity, automation, and intelligence. “Multi-cloud use cases are increasing every year, … continue reading

DevSecOps predictions for 2018

From the WannaCry ransomware attack that resonated across the globe, to the massive Equifax breach and series of security mistakes that followed, 2017 saw a major uptick in cyberattacks, with no signs of slowing down. While each incident was unique, they all highlighted the complexity of applying security at scale. Wrangling the vast number of … continue reading

IT transformation can be a monster

Frankenstein is a monster. IT can harm the people who created it. Ergo, IT is a monster. Taking a software tool from this vendor, hardware from another vendor, using a cloud-based storage and network system, can often lead to problems not foreseen by those who approved that approach. “There’s a new philosophy of how IT … continue reading Protection Status

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