Pay the price to mitigate ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks against organizations are on the rise, and one study puts the cost of downtime at $8 billion! But your applications and data don’t have to be held hostage. When an attack is discovered, the goal is to minimize further infection and restore to a safe state as quickly as possible (low RTO). Read this … continue reading

Monitoring your network with time-series data

Today’s applications are architectured to work on hybrid, componentized, containerized, distributed, mobile/sensor environments, and so do the networks that sustain all these applications together. Complexity, traffic volume, intolerance to performance degradation and inefficiency will only increase, demanding real-time and holistic monitoring. … continue reading

Container Security: More moving parts mean more complexity

Securing containerized applications is quite a bit more challenging than securing traditional monolithic applications. The use of open-source components in code, the microservices within containers, and the containers themselves, all need to be secure to ensure vulnerabilities do not make their way into the deployed application. This guide to container security looks at the issue … continue reading

Application Performance Management: A Guide for Buyers

Changes in software architecture and transition to the cloud have forced the way organizations monitor their applications to change as well. Because of increased complexity of applications — code written in-house, couple with services brought in via APIs, scaling in the cloud, much more data being processed — APM has become more important than ever. … continue reading

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