Kubernetes 1.24 is expected to be released in a few weeks, on May 3rd, and cloud-native security company Sysdig shared information about what to expect in the latest release.

According to Sysdig, one main difference in this release is the removal of Dockershim, which the company sees as a “necessary step to ensure the future of the Kubernetes project.” Dockershim used to be the container runtime for Kubernetes and it has since been replaced by the CRI pluggable system. Removing it completely will force developers and cluster administrators to actually go through the process of migrating to the new runtime. 

Another new feature in 1.24 will be CSI volume health monitoring, which will allow cluster administrators to react better to events, such as persistent volumes being deleted outside of Kubernetes. Sysdig believes this will increase the reliability of Kubernetes clusters.  “Being able to load a sidecar that checks for the health of persistent volumes is a welcome addition,” Vicente J. Jiménez Miras, security content engineer at Sysdig, wrote in a blog post

Kubernetes 1.24 will also introduce a new Status subresource that enables users to get feedback on whether a Network Policy has been properly parsed. 

A Windows operational readiness definition will also be added so that it will be easier to compare Windows support between different Kubernetes vendors.

Another update that Sysdig says is small but will have significant repercussions is a new Prometheus metric in kubelet that registers the number of OutOfMemory events that occur in a container. According to Sysidg this will provide more insights into whether those events are a recurring problem or an edge case. 

In total, Kubernetes 1.24 will have 46 enhancements, 13 of which are graduating to Stable, 14 of which are existing features being improved upon, 13 of which are new, and six that are features being deprecated. 

More information on what to expect in Kubernetes 1.24 is available here