The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced Envoy is the third project to graduate from its foundation. Envoy is an open-source edge and service proxy for cloud-native apps. The only other two projects to currently have graduated from CNCF are Kubernetes and Prometheus.

According to CNCF, graduation makes a maturity level for projects that demonstrate thriving adoption, are well documented with a neutral governance process, and have strong comittership.

“Since joining CNCF, Envoy proxy has been one of our fastest-growing projects and has undoubtedly contributed to the momentum we’re seeing within the service and edge proxy space,” said Chris Aniszczyk, COO of CNCF. “With users at many of today’s largest scale organizations, and some incredibly bright developer minds behind it, we’re excited to continue cultivating Envoy’s community as a newly graduated project.”

Envoy was first created at Lyft for an edge, middle and service proxy. It is meant to east the transition and operation of cloud-native architectures.

“The growth of Envoy over the last two years has been astounding, and beyond anything that I would have ever believed when I started the project,” said Matt Klein, software engineer at Lyft and architect of Envoy. “From end users, to creators of higher level products, to the major cloud providers, the breadth of Envoy-based solutions continues to grow and amaze me. Graduating from the CNCF is a major milestone and an indication that Envoy’s community is strong and the project is ready for wide-enterprise adoption.”

Other features of the project include out-of-process architecture, advanced load balancing, deep observability, APIs for configuration management and HTT/2 and gRPC support.