Topic: postgres

Creating a multi-layered security architecture for your databases

Data security has never been more important than it is today. Considering the amount of data collection most modern apps require, it’s imperative to keep private and proprietary data safe and secure — and with measures like HIPAA, PCI DSS and the European Union’s GDPR, it’s also the law. Keeping databases secure from existing and … continue reading

ITOps Times news digest: Foundation to form around osquery, Datical supports AWS and Postgres, and Cloudflare launches free Ethereum gateway

The Linux Foundation has revealed plans to form a new foundation that will support osquery,  a project that provides visibility into endpoints. The new foundation will be devoted to growing and maintaining a neutral community around the project. According to the Linux Foundation, developers from Dactiv, Facebook, Google, Kolide, Trail of Bits, and Uptycs, among … continue reading

8 surprising facts about Docker adoption

The average lifespan of a container is a mere two days. That was among eight surprising findings revealed in a survey by Datadog, the application monitoring solution provider, and released this week at DockerCon18 in San Francisco. Datadog took a sampling of its customer base, representing more than 10,000 companies and 700 million containers, the … continue reading Protection Status

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