Topic: internet

Q&A: Bad bots and their impact across the internet

Bots are becoming more and more of a challenge for companies to deal with. To learn more about how bots impact different industries, we spoke with Nick Rieniets, field CTO of Kasada, on the most recent episode of our podcast Get With IT. They had recently released a report on this topic, so we invited … continue reading

FCC votes to restore net neutrality

The FCC voted 3-2 today to restore net neutrality, a practice where internet service providers (ISPs) have to treat all communications services equally.  In the U.S. net neutrality laws were first established by the Obama administration in 2015, but were repealed in 2018 by the Trump administration.  Today’s ruling reclassifies broadband services as a Title … continue reading

Report: Nearly half of all internet traffic is bots, a third is bad bots

The percentage of internet traffic that is bots continues to rise every year, and last year bots made up 49.6% of all internet traffic, which was a 2% increase from 2022.  This is according to Imperva’s 2024 Bad Bot Report, which analyzed bot traffic across the internet. They found that the proportion of bots out … continue reading

Catchpoint rolls out internet performance monitoring solutions

Catchpoint, long a player in the monitoring and observability space. today announced the release of capabilities that will help organizations ensure the resilience of what the company is calling “the internet stack.” With the release, the company is ramping up for its next phase, focusing on Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM), as businesses have become more … continue reading Protection Status

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