Instana, the leading provider of automatic Application Performance Management (APM) solutions for microservice applications, today became the first APM solution provider to announce support for the On-Prem version of Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE), a part of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

“Application teams need flexibility in their platform choices, especially as they implement and roll out orchestrated microservice applications,” said Mirko Novakovic, Instana co-founder and CEO. “Instana will continue to expand our Kubernetes distribution support so that no matter what platform a DevOps team chooses, they can also have a world class APM solution.”

Instana’s support for Google’s On-Prem GKE version is the latest announcement about container and orchestration performance management enhancements since the last KubeCon US conference. At that event, Instana announced that their automatic APM solution was tightening the integration of Kubernetes platform monitoring with the existing infrastructure monitoring, APM and tracing capabilities of the product – making it easier to provide access to Kubernetes performance information for all stakeholders including developers.

Since then, Instana has announced new monitoring for Envoy Application proxies and containerd, enhanced deployment options for monitoring applications running on Red Hat OpenShift, and a collaborative effort with GiantSwarm to deliver the first integration of a Managed Kubernetes Service with a Kubernetes APM solution.

Instana’s automatic application monitoring solution discovers application infrastructure and service components, including Kubernetes Pods and Nodes. The tool automatically deploys monitoring sensors for each part of the application technology stack and traces all application requests – without requiring any human configuration or even application restarts. The solution detects changes in the application environment in real-time, adjusting its own models and visualizing the changes and impacts to performance in seconds.

Instana’s Kubernetes APM solution runs on many popular K8S distributions include open-source Kubernetes, Microsoft Azure AKS, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, Red Hat OpenShift, Google (GKE) cloud and on-prem versions, and Amazon’s EKS. The company is showcasing their leading Kubernetes APM solution at the KubeCon conference in Barcelona (Booth G9). Learn more at
